Gunung Kawi Temple

Gunung Kawi is a Hindu Temple complex with elderly omission from the stone period located in Gianyar regency. Based on the inscription of Tengkulak A on 945 saka (Balinese calendar) which is released by Marakata King, the ancient omission complex is located at the Pekerisan River then it is called Katyangan Amarawati. Pekerisan River is also named by Jalu which is according to the inscription chiseled on the above of the largest temple door sound Haji Lumahing Jalu'. The name of Gunung Kawi is the name given on the omission which is related to the complex of temples because the temple on this area is like the symbol from the mount. There's three temples which so called the name as Gunung Kawi in Bali those are Gunung Kawi in Sebatu countryside, Gunung Kawi Temple in Keliki countryside and Gunung Kawi Temple in Babitra countryside. The ancient omission complex of Gunung Kawi is founded on ten century. It is founded in the period of Udayana about 989 M. At the period of Marakata governance on 1023, the omission which is called Katyagan Amarawati is developed and continued by the governance of Anak Wungsu which is guess lead between the years of 1049 - 1077 M.
Temple complex is consisted of two consecutions. The consecution in eastside Pekerisan River is consisted of five units and the consecution at west side of river is five units, in the north is four units and one unit is located far in south side separate from the others. On the above of the temple consecution in particular to the Eastside River, there is an editorial of Kediri word type sounding haji Lumahing Jalu'. Haji means a king, the Lumah means a temple or Sidha Dewata means to return to the nature of deity and Ing Jalu means in Pekerisan. The Jalu mean the Keris literal. The whole words mean that king is made in temple form at Pekerisan. From this editorial is assumed that this temple is dedicated to Udayana King which is also called Marakata and Anak Wungsu. The temple which is located in the west side of river related to all king concubines. The temples can be found far in the south side is attributed to prime minister because in these temple areas existing an editorial Rakyan which is namely perform for high functionary of empire.
Buddhist Temple Complex 
Buddhist Temple Complex is used as a residence and as place for meditation. It is consisted of some nooks and it is located in the cross east of Pakerisan River. Other nooks can be found spread out and near the temple bunch.
Gunung Kawi is a famous tourist location in Bali with its ancient omission so that this place is the right to visit in the coursework of your holiday in the island.

Image source: panduanwisata